Service Clubs & Organizations

Volunteers greatly contribute to the quality of life in Englehart. For anyone interested in community involvement, wishing to meet people, or simply have fun, our community offers a multitude of organizations. Please contact us if you would like to have your club or organization added to the list below (or make changes to an existing entry). 

Johanna Paradis
Community Services Coordinator
Town of Englehart
80 Seventh Avenue
Ph: 705-544-1952

"To Learn. To Serve. To Advance."

The Royal Canadian Air Cadets is a national Canadian youth program for persons aged 12 to 18. It is administered by the Canadian Forces and funded through the Department of National Defence with additional support from the civilian Air Cadet League of Canada. The purpose of the squadron is focused on citizenship, leadership, physical fitness and general aviation.


Facebook Page: 355 Polaris Squadron - Englehart

“The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer.”


The Lions Club is one of the world's largest volunteer service organizations, with clubs all over the globe. The Lions focus is to meet the needs that challenge the local community and the world to make them better places to live. The Lions and Lioness Clubs work together to conduct vision and health screenings, build parks, support eye hospitals, award scholarships, assist youth, provide help in time of disaster and much more.

Facebook: Charlton-Englehart Lions Club 

Phone Number: (705) 544-0140

Mailing Address: Box 190 Englehart ON P0J 1H0

The EAA is a group of people who share a common interest in creating works of art. Whether a novice or professional artist, members of the EAA meet to share ideas and experiences, and to develop artistic growth in themselves and others. New members are always welcome, so please reach out if interested. 

Facebook Page : Englehart Area Artists | Facebook 

Website : Englehart Area Artists - Home ( 

The Englehart & District Agricultural Society was founded in 1909. Progressive businessmen and farmers took an active part in the formation of the society and were the officers of the first fair in 1909. By 1911 - they had acquired over 100 members.

The Englehart & District Agricultural Society is a district organization of The Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies.  The OAAS's mission statement is "Through promotion, communication and educational activities, the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies will provide leadership to the entire agricultural fair industry".


Facebook: Englehart & District Agricultural Society

2025 Fair Exhibit Book: 2025 Home Grown Fun

"Keeping Ontario Beautiful" 


The Englehart & District Horticultural Society was formed in 1956. Some flowers could not last to be displayed and exhibited in the Englehart Fall Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan cut their flowers and displayed them in their home and invited their friends to come spend 'an evening with the blooms'. The group showed great enthusiasm for possibly forming a show for flowers only. The first meeting was held February 13, 1956 in the Town Hall under the chairmanship of Mr. C Byam of New Liskeard who had been authorized by the Ontario Horticultural Association to organize a branch in Englehart. Mr. Byam pointed out that the aims of the society were to improve home and public grounds, to interest young people in horticulture, to hold exhibitions, to distribute seeds, plants etc. and to promote the knowledge of horticulture.

The Englehart & District Horticultural Society is a district organization of the Ontario Horticultural Association.  The Ontario Horticultural Association is supported by the interest of avid gardeners all across Ontario who have a love of gardening, deep enjoyment in sharing their knowledge, commitment to preserving and restoring Ontario's natural environment and dedication to making the communities we live in beautiful, sustainable and livable.

Ontario Horticultural Association website with Englehart & District Horticultural Society organization information:


"Brotherly Love; Relief; & Truth"

The Englehart Masonic Lodge was established in Englehart in 1915. It is a district organization of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario. Freemasonry is the oldest and largest world wide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs.  The core values of the Masonic Lodge are tolerance - community - integrity - family - & acceptance.

Any man who becomes a Mason is taught a pattern for living; reverence - morality - kindness - honestly - dependability and compassion. He must be prepared to honour his country, uphold its laws and respect those in authority. He must be prepared to maintain honourable relations with others and be willing to share in Masonic activities.


Facebook Page : Englehart Nordic Ski Club | Englehart ON | Facebook 

President: Aaron Mills (

Secretary: Barbara Stark (

Treasurer: Wayne Stratton (

For more than 100 years, Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada has been the leading organization dedicated solely to girls, offering fun and relevant programming to more than 7 million girls across Canada.

Today’s Guiding is a safe, inclusive, all-girl environment that invites girls to challenge themselves, find their voice, meet new friends and make a difference in the world.  Girl Guides has over 70,000 girls and young women Members, with leadership provided by more than 18,000 dedicated volunteers.

The Englehart Sparks (ages 5/6), Brownies (ages 7/8), and Guides (ages 9-11) meet at the Englehart Public School Thursday evenings from 6-8 PM.

Website: Girl Guides of Canada

"Friendship, Love & Truth"


The Northern Beacon Rebekah Lodge was instituted at Englehart on November 17, 1920 having one of the largest organizations in town at that time. The Rebekah Lodge had continuous active service within the community.

The Northern Beacon Rebekah Lodge is a district organization of The International Association of Rebekah Assemblies. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and of pursuing projects for the benefit of all mankind. Those who belonged to such an organization were called 'Odd Fellows'. Odd Fellows are also known as 'The Three Link Fraternity' which stands for Friendship, Love and Truth.

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was founded on the North American Continent in Baltimore, Maryland, on April 26, 1819 when Thomas Wildey and four members of the Order from England instituted Washington Lodge No. 1. This lodge received its charter from Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows in England.

Odd Fellowship became the 1st national fraternity to include both men and women when it adopted the beautiful Rebekah Degree on September 20, 1851. This degree is based on the teachings found in the Holy Bible, and was written by the Honorable Schuyler Colfax who was Vice President of the United States during the period 1868-1873. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs were also the first fraternal organization to establish homes for our senior members and for orphaned children.

Facebook Page: Northern Beacon Rebekah Lodge 


Rotary Club of Englehart - "Service above Self"

In 1905 Rotary International was formed. In 1936 the Rotary Club of Haileybury decided to expand Rotary in Northern Ontario. With great success, they organized a club in Englehart. 17 good men of the town became charter members of the Englehart Rotary Club, officially receiving their charter International May 25, 1937.

The Rotary Club is an international business and professional service club open to both men and women. 

Facebook Page: Rotary Facebook Page

Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 104 Englehart & Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 104 Ladies Auxiliary - "Lest We Forget" 

Receiving its charter on Mar 18, 1937 the Royal Canadian Legion is an association of those who served in the Navy, Army, Air and Auxiliary Forces focusing on promoting the spirit of comradeship, as well as mutual help and protection of veteran's Rights. They perpetuate the traditions, memory and deeds of the Fallen, acquire personal and moveable property, assistance in community services, and also sponsor Youth Sports & Education programs and bands. 

The Legion is a non-profit, dues supported, fraternal organization. Membership is open to all Canadian citizens and Commonwealth subjects who subscribe to the purposes and objects of the organization. The Royal Canadian Legion has assumed the major responsibility for perpetuating the tradition of Remembrance in Canada whilst organizing and running the National Poppy and Remembrance Campaign. The Legion also supports programs for seniors, particularly through direct community-level activities. The Legion's Youth program provides scholarships and bursaries, sports programs and support to activities such as cadets, scouts and guides.

The Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary is comprised of mothers, wives, daughters, stepdaughters, nieces, sisters, granddaughters, great granddaughters and widows of Legion members. Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary support the aims and objects of The Royal Canadian Legion and their dedicated service enrich the programs and activities of the branch.

Facebook Page: Branch 104 Royal Canadian Legion

Website: Royal Canadian Legion

The Temiskaming Thunder is a non-profit basketball club established and founded by Morgan Johanson, Lorna Desmarais and Jonathan Maga of Temiskaming Shores, Ontario in February 2023. The club is led by a committed local volunteer Board of Directors and coaches which will provide programs to co-ed youth ages 5-19. These programs include, but are not limited to the Fundamental Development Program Youth League, House League, Basketball Clinics, and Competitive Travel Rep Teams. 

For more information, visit their website, follow us on Facebook/Instagram or email