We promote open government by operating in a manner that fosters and supports the principles of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides you the right to access municipal records with certain limitations and exemptions. The Act requires municipalities to protect personal information and how to collect, retain, use, disclose and dispose of that information. The result is a balance between access to information and protection of personal privacy.
How long will it take?
The Municipality has 30 days after receiving the complete request (including the $5.00 application fee) to respond. The Act allows for additional time depending on the size and scope of the request. The Municipality will provide access to the requested records in whole or in part or tell you why the records cannot be provided.
How do I make a formal request for information?
Complete and submit the Freedom of Information Request Form in person to the Municipal Office during regular office hours or by mail. A $5.00 application fee is required.
How do I obtain the request form?
How much will a formal request cost?
You must submit a $5.00 application fee with the form. Depending on the request, additional fees may apply as per Section 45 of the Act.
Additional fees may be placed on the following items:
- Search Time
- Preparation Time
- Computer programming
- Photocopying
- CD
- Any shipping costs
- Any other costs incurred in responding to a request
Please contact the Clerk's Office by email for telephone for more information 705-544-2244